Saturday, July 9, 2011


i am at a stage in my life where i have to be on my own for the first time. no mom and dad to constantly watch my back. no one to wake me up in the morning or to remind me to eat. meh im gonna miss them a lot. but anyways.. im not there yet actually so i really dont know what to expect. all i can say is that im nervous excited. i already know who my roommate is, and shes hella cool. she and i clicked right away when we first started talking. i hope our dorm turns out amazing. we are both pretty artsy so it should be fun decorating! :) cant wait!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Labhkuvar Ba.

કુમ્ભાણી કુટૂંબ .. xru

my grandmother was an amazing person. ive been thinking about her since i came to india, as i do each year. she was so selfless and intelligent, even though she didnt get a proper education. during her time, money was hard to get and raising big families was especially tough with the financial sitch. but even then, she and my bapuji did extremely well. i can say that as a fact because my dad turned out to be the best dad ever. i am truly blessed to have both my parents in my life. they are both so smart, mature, and open-minded. sighs. i love my family.